The Network 2024

Upcoming Events




Event Type


 18th September 

  Workplace Giving Fundamentals  

 Commbank,   Sydney

 2.5 hour workshop

Registration open

15th October 

Workplace Giving Fundamentals  


2 hour workshop 

Registration open

16th October 

Panel discussion and networking

SEEK, Melbourne 

2 hour afternoon event

Registration open

 20th November 

 The Australian Workplace Giving Awards Ceremony

 Westpac,     Sydney

2 hour evening event

Registration coming soon

3rd December

Quarter 4 meeting 

Bain & Company, Sydney + Online

 45 minute   round table

Registration coming soon


Past Events




Event Type


 25th January

 Workplace Giving Australia Pre-Budget Submission to the
 Australian Government Treasury


 Submission to   Government

Published here

 9th February

 Workplace Giving Australia Comments and Input to Draft   Productivity Commission Report:

 Future Foundations for Giving 


 Submission to   Government

Published here

 26th February

 Quarter 1 meeting


 45 minute   round table

Registration closed

 29th February  

 Workplace Giving Fundamentals  


 2 hour   workshop

Registration closed

1st March 

 Workplace Giving Research and Insights for 2024


Analysis paper

Published here

17th April

Driving Change for Workplace Giving: Panel discussion and networking

Deloitte, Sydney

2 hour evening event

Registration closed

 30th April

 Driving Change for Workplace Giving: Panel discussion   and networking

 ANZ,   Melbourne

 2 hour    evening event

Registration closed

13th May

 Quarter 2 meeting


 45 minute   round table

Registration closed

  21st May

 Workplace Giving Month launch:

'Giving Stories'


 30 minute   webinar

Registration closed

 26th June

 Workplace Giving Fundamentals

 PwC, Brisbane

 2.5 hour   workshop

Registration closed

 9th July

 The 2024 Australian Workplace Giving Awards:

 Announcement of award categories


 30 minute   webinar

Registration closed

 31st July

 Workplace Giving Fundamentals

 Pacific Equity   Partners,   Sydney

 2.5 hour     workshop

Registration closed

 5th August

 'Engaging Your Staff in Corporate Giving'

 Philanthropy Australia conference masterclass

 Adelaide   Convention   Centre

 3 hour   workshop

Registration closed

 7th August 

 The 2024 Australian Workplace Giving Awards:

'How to apply for an award'


 30 minute   webinar

Registration closed

 26th August

 Quarter 3 meeting


 45 minute   round table

Registration closed