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Foundation Account support:
Phone: 02 9929 9633
What is workplace giving?
Workplace giving is a program available through your employer where you can participate in giving to charitable causes you care about.
Activities that enable giving include payroll giving, volunteering, fundraising, grant programs, Foundation Accounts and more.
How can I access workplace giving in my organisation?
If you are an individual, please get in touch with your Human Resources department to see how you can give at work.
If you are looking to start or relaunch a workplace giving program for your organisation, please contact our team using the form on this page.
How can charities collaborate with Workplace Giving Australia to increase donations from corporates?
As a charity, there are many ways to engage with businesses and employees to increase giving at work, and you can read more here.
Charities can register to be listed on our workplace giving platform.
Workplace Giving Australia provides free resources to charities to assist in building corporate partnerships through workplace giving.
Workplace Giving Australia also collaborates with leading charities and corporates as part of the member only group The Network.
How do I sign into the Good2Give workplace giving platform?
Signing into the giving platform to donate, change a donation, add a charity, book volunteering or organise a fundraising event is easy.
Click here to access the log in page.
Where can I find the latest research supporting the case for workplace giving in Australia?
Workplace Giving Australia studies explore why individuals give at work and provide insights that can inform best practices to engage donors in the workplace.
Click here to read the latest research, and here to read the back catalogue from our resources library.
Where can I access Good2Give platform help?
If you need any assistance or have a question, please search