Combining the findings of recent surveys and a review of previous research has allowed Workplace Giving Australia to gain a more holistic understanding of emerging workforce trends and community expectations and an appreciation of the corporation's role in philanthropy. Our studies explore why individuals give at work and insights that can inform corporations' and charitable organisations' approaches to engaging donors in the workplace. 

To check the pulse of employees, we asked 23 questions to over 2,000 Australians across city, regional, and rural Australia, which asked them to provide their thoughts and attitudes to giving, which allowed us to highlight and understand recent trends. 

To discover the latest findings, please explore the research and analysis below.


Research & Insights 2024

Workplace Giving Australia has identified five critical insights for 2024

Insight #1: Failing to Involve the Workforce Is a Failing Strategy
Insight #2: Workplace Giving Brings Company DNA Back to Life 
Insight #3: Use The KISS Principle - Offer Simplicity in Giving
Insight #4: ESG? It's Time to Focus on the S 
Insight #5: Volunteering: Dollar Match, Not Matchmaking

Explore below to discover more:

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