Workplace Giving Request Templates

1. Request To Become A Workplace Giver

Are you keen to start giving at work, but your organisation doesn't offer workplace giving? 

The good news is that you can use the two pre-written email text blocks below to email your Manager, Human Resources, Payroll, or People and Culture department to ask to join the movement and support your favourite charities and causes!

Email template to request donate from your pay:

People and Culture or Payroll Manager 

Subject: Request to donate through my pay 


Hi <insert name>,  

I would like to request a pre-tax deduction be set up as a recurring payment each time I get paid. This initiative not only allows me to contribute to causes I care about but also positively reflects our organisation's commitment to social responsibility. 

I am unaware of an existing program at our organisation, but I have found some simple instructions on the ATO website to assist in setting it up. 

Charity name: <insert your favourite charity or charities here>

Charity ABN:  <charity ABN details> (which you can search for here on the Australian ABN Lookup)

Pre-tax amount to deduct per pay: $<insert amount>

Payroll ID (or identifier if required): <insert your details here>

If our organisation would like support in implementing an engaging workplace giving program, please contact Workplace Giving Australia. This local charity advises businesses and charities on successful programs.  

Kind regards, 

<Add your name here>

2. Ask Your Organisation To Start Workplace Giving

Email template to request workplace giving at your organisation:


To: My Manager and The People and Culture Team

Subject: Request to donate through my pay 


Hi <insert name>,  

Did you know we can all make a difference while simply doing our jobs? 

At our organisation, we can all start workplace giving, supporting our favourite causes, and making our time at work count! 

Research reveals that Australians are generous. 80% of people already give, and over 60% of businesses in Australia have set up workplace giving programs. However, only a small percentage, 1.5 %, are giving at work due to a need for more awareness about the benefits. 

Workplace giving allows all of us to: 

  • Donate pre-tax (so more funds get to charities than donating from after-tax pay) 
  • Bring our passion to work and feel more connected to our jobs and the organisation 
  • Collectively donate small amounts regularly that add up to a significant and sustainable funding source for charities.  

I propose that workplace giving be part of our organisation and built into our workplace culture. Many organisations like ours offer giving at work, with proven success. A strategic program can achieve upwards of 50% participation. 

You can learn more about workplace giving through Workplace Giving Australia, a charity that collaborates with and connects businesses, employees and charities to enable more impact through workplace giving. More information can be found at

Thank you for reading this email and considering a workplace giving program that will engage our people and make a greater impact on Australian charities. 

Kind regards, 

<Add your name here>


Individuals: Find out more about how you can give at work here