
Philanthropy Research: Perpetual Report Reveals Trust & Collaboration Paramount

Written by Workplace Giving Australia | Jan 22, 2024 3:49:00 AM


Perpetual’s 2023 Australian Philanthropy Insights Report 
In the last financial year, Perpetual partnered with individuals, families and trusts to facilitate the distribution of $185 million into communities. The report looks at that funding, with a particular focus on the $38 million committed via their IMPACT Philanthropy Application Program (IPAP), which seeks applications from not-for-profit organisations for funding from the philanthropic trusts and foundations they manage. 


Key Highlights 

  • Connecting philanthropists: One of their most valued services is connecting philanthropists with effective organisations dedicated to positive social, cultural, and environmental change, with philanthropists committing $38 million to not-for-profit organisations via the program in 2023
  • Challenges faced: Including the impact of inflation on vulnerable communities, high staff turnover, and increasing cyber threats, especially for organisations collecting sensitive data
  • Funding by sector: Trends such as social and community wellbeing, medical research, education, animal welfare, arts and culture, health initiatives, and conservation and environment
  • Multi-year commitments: The increasing trend of multi-year commitments and the strategic allocation of funds for core operational support and capacity building
  • Funding focus areas: Supporting specific under-funded groups to facilitate more positive change.


Looking Ahead 

As the not-for-profit sector faces increasing demands and challenges, philanthropy remains critical in supporting communities. The report anticipates a continued hybrid funding approach, combining immediate community needs with long-term initiatives. Trust and collaboration will be paramount in addressing the evolving needs of communities and organisations. 
 Donna Riley O’Neill, Good2Give‘s Grants Lead, comments:  

Trusts, foundations, grants and corporate workplace giving play an enormous role in charities and not-for-profits capacity to deliver vital services to communities in need. Long-term commitments from philanthropists and corporations play a key role. This report highlights programs with hybrid solutions may be key to moving forward into more effective and impactful future giving.

Read more and download the report here
To learn more about grant programs, trusts & foundations and workplace giving contact us today.